256bps-Mp3 - Digital Download:
"Talk To Yourself" is a song that is quite poignant and it truly honors our mothers' words of wisdom. "These are tough times. Hateful words circle like buzzards and self-doubt can settle in the soul if you're not careful. Talk to yourself like good mama would," he remarked. - By Markos Papadatos Jan 15, 2021 in Music (Digital Journal)
256bps-Mp3 - Digital Download:
"Talk To Yourself" is a song that is quite poignant and it truly honors our mothers' words of wisdom. "These are tough times. Hateful words circle like buzzards and self-doubt can settle in the soul if you're not careful. Talk to yourself like good mama would," he remarked. - By Markos Papadatos Jan 15, 2021 in Music (Digital Journal)