Books, Articles, Essays


The Sons of Starmount
Memoir of a Ten-Year-Old-Boy

The Sons of Starmount: Memoir of a Ten-Year-Old Boy is the story of a wild band of boys living on a once-in-a-lifetime street. Most of us have a time and place in our childhood that sets the course for the adult we grow up to be. Mark found his: Starmount Drive, Tallahassee, Florida, 1977.

Starmount is filled with poignant, hilarious, and soul-stirring stories of adventure and friendship, uniquely told through the prism of 1977. The boys were blood brothers riding homemade rafts, defying alligators, water moccasins, and common sense. Muhammad Ali fought on the TV while they built boxing rings in the backyard. The Space Shuttle Enterprise shot through the heavens as they launched wooden spacecraft down metal guy wires from high atop their fort.

The campfire-like glow of the streetlight hosted weighty conversations that ranged from remaining friends forever and finding all the best fishing holes on the planet Mars to Ted Bundy's murderous rampage through the Florida State campus.


My Hometowns: A Walking Tour Through the Soles of My Feet


Words From the Hollow - Essays

Mark’s life as a writer began as a wrangler of three-minute songs in Nashville publishing houses. He still writes songs for other artists as well as for his own projects, but those shorter efforts have given way to longer thoughts, now as essays and books. Cub Creek is not only his home but where he finds the flow of words springing forth like water from another time.

Mark states, “If my page is blank, it is not because the words aren’t there, it’s just that I can’t catch them all. But when I do, I write them here. This is not the outlet though, you are. Thanks for listening, reading, commenting, and just being a lover of the creative arts. I have never needed you more.”


A Legacy of Service: A eulogy to my father


Commissioned Articles

click on the magazine covers to read

Blue Highway Vagabonds, Blue Highway Kings

Published in SONGBONES Magazine / Issue 01, 2019

2 am Waffles and Shower Curtain Rings:

A Love Letter

Published in SONGBONES Magazine / Issue 02, 2019

Why Do I Write Songs?

Published in SONGBONES Magazine / Issue 03, 2019